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Details    Edit
Updated: Apr 18, 2015
 Freeway Interchanges  Other Grade Separated Interchanges  Existing
Abstract: Intersection has 4 off-ramps and no on-ramps. Left turns are stop-controlled and right turns are merge-controlled.
Region: USA - North-Central Videos: No
Road: OH-32OH-32 Pics: No
City: Jackson ,OH ,US Docs: No
Lat/Lon: 39.045383453 ,-82.613014221 Links: No
1 people have recorded their role in this project.

An Ho   
Role: No Role

3-Level Continuous Green T
Details    Edit
Updated: Apr 15, 2015
 Freeway Interchanges  Other Grade Separated Interchanges  Existing
Abstract: Cross street is separated vertically into 2 different levels. All through movements are free flowing. All right turn movements are merge-controlled. Two signals manage only remaining conflict, between left turn movements.
Region: USA - Southeast Videos: No
Road: I-95FL-84 Pics: No
City: Fort Lauderdale ,FL ,US Docs: No
Lat/Lon: 26.088459015 ,-80.168373108 Links: No
2 people have recorded their role in this project.

Michael Troxell   
Role: No Role
Markus Epple   
Role: No Role
